Our best packages that have everything you need to know about numerology and your life.
13 Services under Package A
$2688 Add to cart$2688/RM8,688 (2nd number get 25% Off introduce other people get 25% Commission )1. Bazi reading and report (know your luck in every year)2. 1 Mobile Number Design (Attract wealth)3. Attract wealth bank card (Attract wealth)4. Keep money Bank Password retain wealth)5. Benefactors (Cooperation)6. Changjie Lingpai card Prediction service (Avoid Bad Attract Goo)7. Auspicious food (5 Elements Food Harmony)8. Prosperous trade (Right career)9. Auspicious accessories (wear the right things)10. Right colour combination (wear the right clothes)11. Luck car plate number (Attract wealth)12. Yingyang Digital Energetics Basic masterclass (know people to attract wealth)13. Yinyang Digital Energetics Intermediate masterclass (use numbers to attract wealth) -
Four Services under Package B
$2499 Add to cart$1688/RM5,688 (2nd number get 15% Off; introduce other person get 15% commission )1. 1 Mobile Number Design (Attract wealth)2. Keep money Bank Password retain wealth)3. Yingyang Digital Energetics Basic masterclass (know people to attract wealth) -
Two Services under Package C
$1168 Add to cart$1168/RM3,688 (2nd number get 10% Off; introduce other person get 10% commission )1. 1 Mobile Number Design (Attract wealth)2. Keep money Bank Password retain wealth)